Each of the six books of Vicki Pettersson's
Signs of the Zodiac series, starting in the first with a really creative supernatural world, became more far out. This series ender was really far strange--even more so than the others--and did tax my willingness to suspend belief. But, I stuck it out and am happy with the way it ended.
I also finished
Earth, A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race. I had started reading this through like a normal book, but had to stop, finding it depressing. I'd expected it to be funny, but found it cynical. There were a couple chuckles in the book, but there were also some appalling things that, well, "Who would think of that?" Like "
The Diarrhea of Anne Frank." No, not only is it too soon for that, it will always be too soon for that! The book actually has a great premise, but breaks through the fourth wall and plays it for laughs. If they played it seriously (like it really is a guide to the Human Race for those who come after we have gone), it could, I think actually have been funny. But it was trying way too hard. Anyway, about half-way through the book, I relegated it to the bathroom where I read a couple pages on good days (digestively speaking), and found it much less annoying that way.
I am now about to start
I'll Walk Alone, by Mary Higgins Clark.