Though many of the authors I read do this very well, Laurell K Hamilton is about to best for sustaining a story climax for what seems like days. And there you are, late at night, having to read to the finish no matter what you have to do tomorrow. However, unlike some of my authors, her books don't start with her getting clobbered--there is usually some humor to make us believe the book will be a bit lighter than usual...don't be fooled! A very long night is ahead.
I have now started book #9 of the Phryne Fisher Mysteries, Raisins and Almonds. A man walked into a bookstore owned by a single woman and fell to the floor dead shortly afterward. He and the owner were the only people in the store at the time and poison is suspected. So, of course the police charged the shop owner. Phryne is hired by the shop owner's landlord to find out the truth. Set between the two world wars in Austrailia.