This was the 15th of the novels in this series that I have read. They keep getting better. The theme of this is the dichotomy of personalities in us all. Both Jack and his new acquaintance, Gabriel, have to confront their dark sides and it is not pretty. That said, the book ended quite satisfactorily and, even though there are no new novels in the series at the moment, the door is certainly left open for many new adventures.
I have now started Let Me Whisper in Your Ear by Mary Jane Clark. We start out learning that thirty years ago a twelve-year-old disappeared from a roller coaster while it was operating and hasn't been found until his bones were found the other day in an excavation. We also learn that something happened a couple of years ago involving the anchorwoman that caused a good employee of Key News to be furloughed causing financial hardship to his family. He is employed again as is she, but the issue has not been resolved.