This was my bathroom book for, I think 6 to 8 months. It takes a long time to read a book, when you are reading only 1/4 to 1 page a day. I learned a lot. A number of stars I've known only for their movies or TV shows have done Broadway musicals. Some of my favorite Broadway stars were in shows a lot sooner than I had thought. Besides showcasing the musicals, the book also showcases individual stars, directors, producers, designers, some off-Broadway and even some flops. Among the flops were some shows I adore the music of though I've never seen the show:
Applause, Dear World, Here's Love, (actually I've seen
Here's Love and
Stop the World I Want to Get Off--only two musicals I've ever seen on Broadway) among others. Though newer books will, I am sure, be more complete, this particular edition ended with
Wicked and did not include
Rent or
Alexander Hamilton. Oh, well. What I get for being old and having old books.
I am now about to start the follow up book,
Hollywood Musicals, The 101 Greatest Song and Dance Movies of All Time. In some ways this will be more gratifying than the Broadway musicals, because the movies I should be able to find somewhere. Once again, this will be a bathroom book.