Friday, May 29, 2020



As usual the book was beautiful and the legends/ stories were well told.  For the first time in this series I have encountered a story recounted for the second time and almost word for word--the story of the wren in this book and the Christmas book.  I am surprised that this has not happened more--differents parts of the same legend are told in different books, but not the same part.

I am now about to start another book in The Enchanted World series: Tales of Terror.




I love these Wind River mysteries.  This may have been the best so far because people who I really like are in danger for more than half the book.  As usual, it was a very exciting and satisfying read.  I don't know how I slept last night since I left it with yet a chapter to go in the initial climax.  First thing this morning, I had to finish that chapter.

 I am now about to return to Henry Melton's saga of the descendents of the two people abducted from Earth by a vicious race intent on enslaving them in Power of the U'tanse.  "U'tanse" is a corruption of "humans"--the only way their masters can pronounce the word.  Now a colony of free humans has developed unknown to the masters--I look forward to visiting them again.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020



A serial rapist kills someone to cover up his crimes and then keeps killing...  As usual with Mary Jane Clark's books, I couldn't stop reading.

I have now started The Shadow Dancer, another of Margaret Coel's Wind River Mysteries.  Father O'Malley learns that one of the tribe's young people is missing, that the church is again considering shutting down the mission, and interests upriver of the reservation are slowly squeezing off the Arapaho and Shoshone's only water supply.  Love these books.


Friday, May 22, 2020


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This novel caught us up with Mathew, Diana and all the de Clermont's, but the focus was on Marcus' (Mathew's son's) story.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Great background set mostly during the American Revolution.

I have now just barely started Nobody Knows by Mary Jane Clark.  Cassie, a reporter for Key News, is waiting for the spokeswoman for the FBI to add a new person to the Fugitives List--very unusual, this one is a serial rapist.




Again, I very much enjoyed this.  There were a few too many characters for me to keep easy track of this time, but I caught up.  It is amazing how much gets packed into these short books.

I have now started Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness.  This is an extension of the All Souls Trilogy with the focus now on Matthew's son, Marcus, and his human bride, Phoebe.  Of course our protagonists from the trilogy are also involved, which is great.  I love revisiting beloved characters.  Phoebe has been brought over to vampire life and Marcus is very worried about her.

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Friday, May 8, 2020



This time vampires have kidnapped  15 year old girl which sends Anita after a group of unaligned vampires who are very dangerous.  As usually, intense action is interrupted by intense eroticism.  At my age I prefer the action, but I also find these books very readable.

And, just like that I am back to reading Kerry Greenwood's Queen of the Flowers, #14 in the Phryne Fisher Mystery series.  It is flower festival time, and queen and her court are determined by amount of money raised or donated to charity, so, of course, Phryne is queen.  However, this comes with a lot of responsibility, which she is efficiently handling.  No crime has been committed yet, but the blurb tells me one of her adopted wards is about to vanish.




This is the first part of the Poldark story continuing after the PBS series ended.  It was good to be reading adventures I had not already seen.  It is ten years after the last book ended: the children are grown and falling in love for the first time, as well as exploring other interests--beginning to make plans for how they wish to live their lives.  As usual, very readable and charming.

I am now about to start the 21st Anita Blake novel by Laurell K Hamilton, Kiss the Dead.  Looking forward to it.


I am also just started Magical Beasts from The Enchanted World series.  I finished the last one I had here two or three weeks ago and I had missed them.  But, when Julie asked if there was anything we wanted from our house, I asked Chris to pick up two more and Julie sent them.  They arrived today.  The first story is of the Minotaur of Crete...a familiar story but may have wonderful embellishments.