Saturday, December 17, 2022

Shelving CODE BREAKER with other books that will take me awhile


I am able to understand it but it is slow going because I stop and think about the process often.  Interesting and readable, but I get impatient with the slow going so I'll come back to it in pieces.  So far it has explained CRISPR and has introduced us to Jennifer Doudna as well as several other players.  Bacteria can alter their DNA to immunize themselves from Virus that have attacked them...  Can you guess what this discovery has already led us to?

I have now started Dreaming Death by Heather Graham.  This time, our heroine sees murder in her dreams...prophetic dreams.  She also sees ghosts.  Partnered with an annoyed agent (annoyed because this is a difficult high profile case and she is a rookie.)  It is set in Washington D. C., a city I have lived in.   The picture of the book is not coming through.  I will try again.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022



Different from the others in the series in that I saw no way that the esoteric knowledge they sought would help the problem, but one could say the ending both contrived or genius, depending on how much you enjoy the author.  I do.  Love these books.

I have now started The Code Breaker about the use of CRISPR technology to create the vaccine for the Corona Virus.  I had expected this book to be dry and way above my head, but by incorporating personalities in a story format, at least the first 35 pages have been readable.  It also has short chapters which makes it easier to deal with interruptions.