Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Finished SPARE


My main take-away from this book is "Thank goodness I am not a celebrity" and "doesn't the British press have any real news to cover?"  The book certainly held my interest.

I have now gone back to the Outlander book I missed.  Since this was covered in the tv show, I never felt like I'd missed anything, but off course I did.  Many stories not covered or not covered in depth by the tv show keep me reading.  In this book we watch the beginnings of the Revolution develop without (as yet anyway) meeting any names we recognize from history.  The tv show took some liberties, telling us things out of order (which makes them make less sense) and combining events (also less sense.)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Finshed 50 more Pages of WAR AND PEACE and started SPARE


We are now back in Moscow and St. Petersburg learning more about the at home adventures and misadventures of our warriors.  The story remains interesting and readable, but the book is so heavy, my arthritic wrist begs for a break.

I have now starte Spare by Prince Harry.  I don't know what I was expecting--poor little rich kid, maybe.  His life is very different from any experience I have had.  Sometimes, especially when driving alone at night, I relish my anonymity.  No one knows who I am on the road.  If I sleep in a rest area, no one would dream I am a woman alone.  I wonder if I may have been famous in a former life...just because I so dearly love my anonymity.  We all know what happened to Harry's mother and have heard things about the British press.  But the being hounded from early childhood...well, that is obtuse.  The book is well written and very readable.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



How is something so calming and gentle keep my attention?  But, it sure does.  The problems of a person keeping farm animals as a small garden plot and working full time at a general store are familiar to me and perhaps my understanding helps as well as the small town politics and lightning gossip is quite interesting.

I am now about to turn back to War and Peace.

Saturday, January 25, 2025



What a beautiful book!  Though often unsettling, I find myself at the end, satisfied and at peace.  

Now, once again, I turn to Melinda's life in the hamlet of Prosper.  As autumn approaches again (September now) Hobo (her dog) is winning a hero award for saving her farm and several others by warning her of a fire.  Looking forward to another peaceful read.

Thursday, January 9, 2025



James Rollins' Sigma Force books are a combination of high action, science (and history), and great characters.  I loved Benji (on the low end of the Spectrum) as well as the other new characters, heroes heroine, and villains...  The subject matter of plague is fascinating and I can count on the reliable satisfying ending.  I also loved the setting of central Congo.  Thank you, Mr. Rollins.  I'll be back in your universe again soon. 

I am now about to start The Water Dancer,  set in this country during slavery, a subject I return to again and again.  The book has great reviews.