Wednesday, January 29, 2025



How is something so calming and gentle keep my attention?  But, it sure does.  The problems of a person keeping farm animals as a small garden plot and working full time at a general store are familiar to me and perhaps my understanding helps as well as the small town politics and lightning gossip is quite interesting.

I am now about to turn back to War and Peace.

Saturday, January 25, 2025



What a beautiful book!  Though often unsettling, I find myself at the end, satisfied and at peace.  

Now, once again, I turn to Melinda's life in the hamlet of Prosper.  As autumn approaches again (September now) Hobo (her dog) is winning a hero award for saving her farm and several others by warning her of a fire.  Looking forward to another peaceful read.

Thursday, January 9, 2025



James Rollins' Sigma Force books are a combination of high action, science (and history), and great characters.  I loved Benji (on the low end of the Spectrum) as well as the other new characters, heroes heroine, and villains...  The subject matter of plague is fascinating and I can count on the reliable satisfying ending.  I also loved the setting of central Congo.  Thank you, Mr. Rollins.  I'll be back in your universe again soon. 

I am now about to start The Water Dancer,  set in this country during slavery, a subject I return to again and again.  The book has great reviews.