Overall, he approaches world problems with the Christian values of peace, love, and charity. Though he does not question the Christianity of those who don't (he thinks they are misguided), I certainly do. The miracle of this man's thinking is that seeing what is happening in the world clearly as he does with us as the instigator of much of it (the world sees us as an example, but they tend to do as we do, not as we say, which explains much of the recent genocide in primitive countries--wasn't that what we were trying to do when we invaded Iraq?), he continues to propose optimistic, loving, peaceful, and charitable solutions which just might work, if we could move ill-meaning and ridiculously judgmental "fundamentalists" out of DC.

I am now about to start Dark Visions, by L. L. Smith (the author of The Vampire Diaries.) This book is actually three books put together and I am looking forward to it.

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