My experience with a small Shrine circus in the southern Midwestern US was somewhat different from the circus described in1920's Australia. I saw no such hierarchy among/ between performers as was going on in this book. As a costumer (not hired by the circus, but rather by individual performers), I hung with my friend, who was a clown, and two of his friends who were high trapeze artists. Other performers and workers (roustabouts) were friendly. Nonetheless, I loved this book. I'm drawn to circuses, carnivals, festivals, craft and art shows...well all kinds of outdoor entertainment that don't qualify as "sports" and this was a good story. I enjoyed the new characters we met in this one and the solving of a crime on two different fronts.

I have just started A Perfect Blood, by Kim Harrison, book 10 of the Rachel Morgan series. I find this series clever, inventive, fun, and satisfying. I love both the characters (Rachel, Jinx, and Ivy) as well as the setting (post "change" Cincinnati--ie. a future world.) I have only just started, but already I am into it as Rachel is having radical identity--not theft--loss issues and to relieve a couple of those issues, she takes on a very challenging case assigned by a very scary vampire.... I'm looking forward to it.
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