One of the reasons I enjoy teaching historical novels is that I get to teach history in a real and practical setting. Here is a story told in blank verse and first person giving us immediate knowledge of what it must have been like to live in the dust bowl (Oklahoma panhandle) in 1934 and 1935. By giving us a protagonist who loved the piano), music in general, as well as apples and cooking (even when the dust makes it next to impossible, we see the human side of this historical era. There is lots to teach in this book and I will enjoy doing just that.
I have now started The Green Mill Murder, by Kerry Greenwood. This the fifth in the series, though I don't know that I am reading them in order. A young man is murdered at the end of a dance marathon at Phryne's feet and, of course, she must solve the mystery. Love these books. I finished the last book before receiving the rest of Gabe's books for the summer, so I decided to fit this short mystery in...Skipping handed me two more of Gabe's books this morning, so I'll finish this up, then head back to those.

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