Very British--vocabulary. So that takes some work as does the author's tendency to report dreams, musings, and gossip in the same font as the action and without quotation marks. Add to that the copyright date of 1969, and you just have to take some time to get used to the style. Once you have, it is hysterical (in the very funny sense) as well as being both plot and character driven. Loved it.
I am now about to start the 15th book in the Dresden series by Jim Butcher, Skin Game. Harry Dresden was the only practicing wizard in the Chicago phone book (or maybe listed on line for Chicago to bring it up to date.) Now he is the Winter Knight (subject to Mab) and has a demon growing in his head that will break out in three days killing him. Mab will cure him, but only after he has completed an impossible mission with some of the worst beings in the universe....

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