Wow, I was not ready for the knowledge of Gilbert and Sullivan literature and stagecraft that went into this novel. I have working knowledge of three of G and S's most celebrated operettas, but no experience at all with the lesser performed pieces. I almost feel like I have to brush up on my G and S. Excellent three-part mystery. I remain astounded at how much story Kerry Greenwood can fit into so few pages. Again I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have now started The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison. While providing security for Trent on the golf course, Rachel magically nudges a golf ball sailing through the air straight toward him to divert its path, and it explodes, creating a six-foot crater in the fairway. Of course, Rachel gets blamed for the explosion, but those of us who know Rachel (having read 11 books in the series) are doubtful that it was.

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