Another really complicated Lestat adventure in which we meet many very old vampires, some of whom we've never met before. There is a voice encouraging the older vampires to go out and kill the younger ones. It talks in their heads. Many ignore it, difficult as it is, but others follow its directions, not really knowing why. The younger vampires loved by many of our much beloved vampires are in serious danger. When no one knows who or what the voice is, how can the problem be solved? What a treat to find another rich Anne Rice environment and community to explore...
I have now started a Miss Seeton Mystery, Miss Seeton Sings, by Heron Carvic. Our heroine has been hired by the police to keep an appointment with a Swiss bank, in which she is to explore, in a subtle way, whether they know they are shipping England pound notes they have collected, about half of which are forged. She has never been out of the country before and has never been on a plane...

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