Every so often Ken Follett creates a character marked by arrogance, stupidity, and greed that has the power to completely infuriate me. I met them in Pillars of the Earth and World Without End. There is another in this book, although since this book is shorter, it wasn't quite so disruptive to my equalibrium. There were certainly characters to like and admire whose history through the years drives the action. I definitely enjoyed it.
I have now started Ramses the Damned/ The Passion of Cleopatra by Anne Rice and Christopher Rice. In addition to the title characters, we have met another immortal..Bektaten who looks to be perhaps a thousand years or more older than Ramses. There are others--servants and thieves, but they were not royalty. So far, in the present, these have not come in contact with each other. Ramses believes the newly awakened Cleopatra to have been killed again in a train and car calamity. The mortal characters are also intriguing. I always love to enter the Rice world of luxuriant and often luxurious beauty.

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