An old man on the Wind River Reservation, who has the position of storyteller (keeper and teller of the oral history of the Arapaho) relates having seen a ledger book at the Denver Historical Museum and long time ago when he was a child. Now that museums are returning sacred objects to the tribes they belonged to, the Tribal Counsel hires Vicky to find that ledger and bring it to the tribe archives along with other pieces. This ledger is a record in pictures of a history showing the Arapaho at an important massacre by one of only a handful of survivors. This leads Vicky and Father John on a dangerous and frustrating search. Excellent. These books are adventure stories set in an unfamiliar (to me) environment and is the fourth one of the series I have read.
I am now about to start #3 in the Sigma Force series by James Rollins, my fourth in the series (I read Map of Bones out of order.) This one appears to be another roller coaster ride a la Raiders of the Lost Ark or Dan Brown thrillers, smart, informative, and exciting. This book is considerably longer than the last four books I have read, so it will probably take me a couple of weeks to read.

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