It is not uninteresting at all, but it is slow--fine print with a lot on the page, and for this past month, I have been interrupted by coughing fits which took about half a cough drop to calm. For this reason, I don't recommend anyone borrowing this book from me. This section started with the decision to draft a constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, the writing of that, the writing of the Federalist Papers to encourage New York to ratify and then ratification. Also Hamilton's appt. as Secretary of the Treasury.
I have now started the second book in the Rejected Writers series, Rejected Writer's Take The Stage. One of our group of quirky ladies is about to lose the farm if they can't come up with $20,000 for the mortgage in two months. They decide to raise it by putting on a musical show, although none of them has any expertise in this field. It sounds like a bizarre scheme to me (and probably any reader), but I know some serious misadventures are afoot.

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