But before Jo"s Boys, I read another 100 pages of Alexander Hamilton. In this section, the government becomes a divided camp between Hamiltonians (advocating a strong central government) and Jeffersonians (advocating states rights). The president has consistently agreed with Hamilton and no major problem has come up because everyone loves and respects Washington. However, what will happen when Washington is no longer President?

In modern times and at my ages, this reads slow and goody-goody, but I still was glad to learn what happened to the family as the children grew into adulthood. And that part I enjoyed.
I have now begun reading Origin by Dan Brown. At the point I am, Robert Langdon is heading into a meeting in which the speaker is sure what he will say will shake up and change the world's religions, but a religious leader is also walking in to create what is hinted to be a violent surprise.

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