A couple little things at the end didn't exactly add up, or at least they were a stretch. But, I'm not that critical. The book kept my attention and was very readable. I enjoyed it.
Then I read Poems by Trump: Whose Boat is the Boat & Other Poems. I admit I got conned on this. I went to Amazon looking for Whose Boat is this Boat, and thought this was it plus more. It is not. Perhaps I am giving Trump too much credit, but I can't believe he actually said the things in here and even if he did they are too disgusting to print. Not even worth one star.

I have now started Ken Follett's A Column of Fire, the third in his Kingsbridge saga which started with Pillars of the Earth. It is now the 16th century and Elizabeth 1 will eventually be queen, sending the countryside into spasms of worry about what will happen to Catholics. Of course, now Protestants are being persecuted. Ned, a merchant's son is in love with Marjorie, another merchant's daughter, but her family wants her to marry the Earl of the area, a brute.

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