This is a wonderful WWII thriller about an all female sabotage team. They were up against a very smart anti-resistance intelligence officer. It was an "edge of my seat" book that I absolutely had to stay up long enough last night to finish.
I have now started Blood Communion by Anne Rice, in which I get to drop in on Lestat's life again. And, again I can't rave enough about Rice's lush environments and especially view of history which I understand from the blurb this book will visit.

I am able to start this because Julie (TR's daughter) has sent me another box of my books from home. She also sent three more of The Enchanted World series, this one The Fall of Camelot. I am about to start it.

And, thanks to Julie for sending me another box of books from home, I have begun Anne Rice's BLOOD COMMUNION and am about to start THE FALL OF CAMELOT from the ENCHANTED WORLD series.