Saturday, November 14, 2020

Finished DEAD ICE


Still trying to figure the significance of the title.  Zombies are cold?  All dead things are cold?  The action story about more human-like zombies turned out to be not bad (no stupid things here--not even zombies).  And, as often happens these days with the Anita Blake books, more pages were devoted to the relationships in her life than to the action plot, but this I think, is what I like about these books.  I love watching characters try to develop smooth living patterns, but, of course, if they do there will be no book....  So it looks like these books will continue.

Then I got a bonus.  An after story which showed one of the results in more detail.  After being wounded just out of the blue for no discernable reason, how can you heal?  Lovely story.

I am now about to start Death by Water, a Phryne Fisher Mystery by Kerry Greenwood.  Actually this is the 15th of the books in this series.  It looks like Miss Phryne is going on a cruise.  What a good idea, I can use a cruise in the middle of this pandemic and at the hopefully winding down of the election...

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