Tuesday, April 20, 2021



You don't have to know what a didgeridoo is to understand this book, but I just happened to.  There was a band that played at the Scottish music festival that included the bagpipes and a didgeridoo.  It is an Australian horn about 4 feet long that extends in front of its seated player and rests on the ground.  It has a very deep voice and is loud...one of very few instruments that can hold its own against bagpipes.  That band had a great sound and I've not found anything like it anywhere else.

I enjoyed this short mystery because of its interesting protagonist, Jamie Quinn, who I liked immediately as well as other fun characters, the urgency of solving it, the setting that I'm familiar with, and the roadblock to solving it in the form of a young man on the "spectrum" with Asperger's disease.

I have now barely started The Operator by Kim Harrison which has immediately puzzled me.  It says it is the second in the series and when I read Drafter it said it was the first in the series, but the three books are listed in a different order in front of the book.  So, huh? 

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