Friday, June 26, 2015


Gabriel, Skippy, and I finished reading Maniac Magee and started Killing Mr. Griffin.  Gabriel is loving this book and, for the first time since I've known him, he actually is begging me not to stop reading for the day.  He is even threatening to read ahead.  :-)) 

I have stopped reading Texas Curiosities and have relegated it to the bathroom to be read much more slowly.  I am on p 220.  I must say I am enjoying it, quite often laughing out loud, not so much caused by the curiosities themselves, but by the tongue in cheek narrative about them. 


I have now started re-reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor to prepare it for tutoring Gabriel.  Once again, I am falling in love with this book.  I suspect that Gabriel will be learning the realities of Depression era racism right along with Cassie Logan.  This book, especially, should help prepare him for reading To Kill a Mockingbird which he will be reading in school this year.


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