As I was reading this, for the umpteenth time, it occurred to me it is the perfect book to help prepare Gabriel for the reading of To Kill a Mockingbird this next year. Both deal with racism during the Depression, this from the point of view of a young Black girl, the other from the point of view of a young White girl. I can also explain the feudal system of sharecropping (called in this book "tenant farming") that has very few differences from slavery. The same system was used in mines and factories throughout Europe, Russia, and America until the Communist Revolution in Russia and China (and, really Europe, which when through a Socialist Revolution) and the growth of trade unions in this country (and Europe). In Europe and here, this brought about a middle class. This book is great for my purposes, and, really, always was.

I am now going back to Lost Scriptures, in which I will read the section on Epistles which are no longer (or were never) included in The Bible. I am finding that some were excluded because they were fictitiously attributed to someone several centuries after he died, but, so far, the ones I have read deal with problems or concerns of the early church and all the factions and interpretations that existed then. Once the church was resolved to Rome and became the Catholic Church, these concerns were no longer relevant. However, they are very interesting to someone who finds the variety within the early church fascinating.
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