Most of the book is talky: conversations and conspiracies. The Augur, Mayhew, sees disaster in two horrible forms threatening to defeat the country he loves. He, the queen, and the princess seek a way to avoid this fate. The only action comes at the end, but somehow, the story never lost my attention. It is smart and the characters, like most of Donaldson's characters, are fascinating. And, you can't guess ahead as to what might happen, because this author has no qualms about killing off his most compelling characters without a second thought.
I have now started Skin Trade by Laurell K. Hamilton, the 17th of her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books. (And, yes, I have read all the previous ones.) Within the first sentence we learn that Anita has been sent a package from Las Vegas containing a human head. She has no trouble figuring out who has sent it--a vampire she has defeated before, but unfortunately, missed killing. A quick phone call to Las Vegas lets her know the head belonged to another vampire hunter who was killed along with three SWAT members. A challenge to her was written in blood on the wall.

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