I confess to being guilty of always thinking the bottle of wine I am drinking is the best wine I have ever had, the food I am eating is the best food I've ever had, and likewise, the book I am reading is the best I have ever read. That said, I think this is the best of the Anita Blake books so far. Wonderful plot with a clear and heinous villain who turns out to be sort of understandable, many fabulous characters we haven't met or have only briefly met before. Most of the regular characters are left behind as Anita goes to Las Vegas. Loved it, as usual and was unable to put it down.
I have now begun Witch Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic. Miss Seeton, a charming retired teaeher is conservative, proper, insightful as well as painfully naive. Through no fault of her own, disaster follows her around...disaster, I should say, for criminals. She is never aware that anyone is trying to hurt her or steal from her--she is oblivious. When disturbed in any way, she whirls or falls whipping her umbrella around and foiling those who seek to bother her. In this way, unknown, she solves crimes, and the police (Scotland Yard) employs her and pays her. The reason for this totally escapes her, but she can use the money. There is at least a giggle on each page.

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