Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Finished BECOMING Michelle Obama


Most celebrity autobiographies are pretty fast reads...  Of course, this is not a celebrity autobiography per se.  At least, her celebrity came through politics.  And this book is needed.  She represents some big "firsts."  It is complete through the last day as first lady and is much longer and more detailed than I had expected, but it is easily read and understood (as compared to AUDACITY OF HOPE by her husband.)  So many things in this book made me long for the "good old days," although I'm fairly certain Michelle does not feel the same.  I do hope she continues her initiatives and her optimism.

I have now started Ken Follett's Lie Down with Lions.  Set in post 9/11 Paris which is dealing with terrorism, we are introduced to two spies--one in the CIA and another being groomed by the KGB; both seem reasonably likeable.  And the danger of their lives looms momentarily...



I have also completed Fairies and Elves.  The scope of this book includes pixies, elves, witches, and all manner of magical creatures. It is full of stories mostly from Europe beautifully illustrated, some with friendly helpful fairies and others with vengeful spirits.  Some even include mixed love affairs and marriages, all of which seem, invariably, to end in heartbreak, often for both members of the couple.

My new bathroom book is Wizards and Witches, which I am about to start.  There seems to be some overlap with Fairies since that book did include some of the witches of Avelon..  But, in these nebulous worlds of legend, I suppose that is bound to happen.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Finished ORIGIN by Dan Brown

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Whew!  Another roller coaster ride that ended (at least the thriller part) entirely differently than I expected. It also, as usual, provided food for thought.  As with all of this author's books, it is a thriller that stimulates the mind as well as the adrenalin.  I loved it.

I am now about to start Becoming by Michelle Obama  (or perhaps it is Becoming Michelle Obama.  It is a clever title for that reason.  In my experience, every human being encounters adversity.  Every female human being encounters more adversity.  And if you are a member of a minority in this country and female, well, you have a STORY TO TELL.  I want to read hers.